
Welcome to a gateway featuring some of the latest most comprehensive information concerning the treatment and management of cancer today.

This year approximately 1,255,000 people are expected to be diagnosed with cancer (excluding non-invasive skin cancers). While cure rates differ dramatically by cancer type and staging, surgery, chemotherapy and radiation will effectively bring about long-term cures for about 55% of cancer patients.

Unfortunately, cancer cells do not present an attractive target for intervention and 45% of patients will eventually succumb to their disease.

The information found in this website is primarily directed towards those patients who have been given poor prognosis and their medical oncologist who have run out of treatment options. At a recent meeting, in Amsterdam, Netherlands, which was sponsored by the National Cancer Institute and the European Organization for Research in Treating Cancer, cautious hope emerged. A revolutionary new view of treatment protocols was put forth.

“Imagine cancer as like an infection or chronic disease where patients can live long times with therapy that’s tolerable,” said Dr. Lee Rosen, a cancer researcher at UCLA. “While we should all work toward the cure for cancer, I would be very satisfied if I could look a patient in the eye and say, ‘I can keep you alive for thirty years with something that doesn’t make you lose your hair or make you nauseated …and give a good quality of life.”

In an attempt to achieve that goal, we will focus on two separate protocols, both employing an anti-angiogenic approach to control cancer while maintaining good quality of life.

Disclaimer: The data provided in this site does not constitute medical advice, and is for information and education purposes only. Please consult your physician for specific treatment recommendations. All medical and therapeutic decisions must come from you and your physician.

For current and updated research for the ingredients used in this protocol, direct your attention to Bill’s Blog/Updated Research page.

17 thoughts on “Welcome

  1. I remember Bill and his talks! From when is worked as the city clerk for NBV! I remember a day when he came in ecstatic about a new cocktail of supplements he said appeared to be working for his wife and he said he believed i will be a cure for her. I remember saying “from your mouth to Gods ear!” Amazing! So good to know your research is ongoing and I pray for all those suffering that they may benefit from his amazing dedication to this cause!

  2. Are you the retired Lt. From Miami Dade Fire Rescue? My father has been diagnosed with Lymphangio Carcenoma. He refuses treatment and I don’t blame him so I want to help him otherwise. Thank you.

  3. I would like to get some more information about your cocktail supplements I have been struggling with cancer now for nearly seven years, and I have now had three surgeries each following chemo therapy, I heard about you through a fire fighter here at work he explained to me what you had gone through with your wife, and thankfully she is doing very well thank god, and you of course I’m in a situation right now were I have had pet scans and endoscopy done and everything is showing no cancer yet my CA 125 cancer test shows my points raising each month, and at this point I don’t know what to do they probably want to put me back on chemo which I would hate to do if there are no findings on the scans, what would you suggest or what other means can I do to avoid this again. I appreciate what you have done for others and hopefully you can suggest something for me, my # 305-215-4507 my e-mail is mromo@hialeahfl.gov Thank you in advance

    Mercy Romo

  4. I sent you a text regarding confirmation on my notes from you the other day in ref to my dads Lymphangio Sarcoma. I want to order ASAP as it is spreading. Just want to make sure you received my text.

  5. I came upon your site while researching about Sarcoma. I am 60 years old and was diagnosed with Endometrial Stromal Sarcoma in 1982, when I was 27 years old. I had a total hysterectomy, followed by radiation therapy. I had a reuccurence 10 years later and underwent a very long and complex operation and had internal radiation as well. I was in remission up until September 2015, and had to have another complex operation on October2015. Unfortunately the tumor came back 6 weeks later, and I am having a hard time finding a solution. Can you please email me at arlettecm@aol.com if you think I can benefit from anything your wife did. God bless you both.

    • Dear Arlette,
      I am so sorry that you need this information. It is up to you and your doctors whether you decide to take the protocol or not. If you’d like to talk to Bill directly, his contact info is in the website info. I purposely put it in there so that one could talk to him directly…but you should read through everything first, even if it is a bit technical. BTW, have you tried Gleevec? I have heard that it was an effective chemotherapy for ESS. Wishing you all the best in finding something that will work for you.
      Healing Hugs, Yvonne

  6. My husband had a Radical Prosectomy on 4/6. Gleason 9. Positive for cancer in lymph nodes in the prostate gland, no cancer in other lymph nodes biopsy. He did however, have cancer cells immediately outside the prostate gland.
    His Dr wants to do Hormone therapy, Radiation therapy and Chemotherapy!!
    We see another Dr, Oncologist tomorrow.
    I am researching every possible treatment, wherever it is. I think they want to “overtreat” him, leaving him with a much lower quality of life in the end.
    Any information you can pass along.
    Thanks, Lee Obermeier

  7. I am interested in your BPC protocols and the research articles you sent
    Dr Etienne Callebout
    Mayfair London UK


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